10 March 2010

Get up, Stand up

This morning 7 am
"Mom, you pee standing up."
"Rowan, I can't pee standing up. I don't have a penis."
"Mom! You don't have a penis. YOU PEE STANDING UP."
"I can't."
"You can stand OVER the potty."
"Yes, I suppose I could."

Rowan has been peeing standing up, if you couldn't tell.

In other news, had another bout of not my kid today.

Here is the ironic part of the situation...on the way to pick up Rowan I was thinking about how nice it was since he has been going on the potty. He sure smells better when I pick him up from Papa's. Then I thought I bet Papa is so happy not to be changing poopy diapers. It's a good thing we haven't had a poop smearing episode in a while....

And once again it all boils down to a load of crap and body humor. You are welcome.

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