31 December 2009

Off the Shelf

A few weeks back I was attending a holiday cocktail hour in a beautiful million dollar home in Boulder. Matt Damon's stunt double was the host and owner of the house. The party was catered to the nines. Glorious. All the Boulderites in their glammed out cocktail attire. Me in my pants. Panic sunk in and forced me into a corner of the kitchen for most of the night. Blinded by the sequins and satin, I realized I was having social anxiety. I had to ask myself what do these women have that I think I don't? Through out the rest of the night I made it a point to start my game plan. Get off the shelf.
The shelf comes from a one of my favorite shows, Biggest Loser. I am a big fan of The Biggest Loser. I find the show incredibly inspirational. The power of internal change is amazing. It makes me cry (what doesn't?)Bob and Jillian are constantly telling the contestants to stop putting themselves up on the shelf. This can apply to so many women (and men). It is so easy to lose sight of one's self in the everyday shuffle of life. Add a kid, husband and job to the mix and your toast. A new year is most conveniently around the corner so why not get started?
I figured most new year's resolutions get thrown out the door in the first few weeks. The approach has to be different. Reflective. Whole. 360, if you will. This is where I came up with the new blog title. I figured project off the self will most likely take all next year in order to address all areas of life - social, spiritual, financial, physical, family, work - you get the picture. Project 365 will have clear and detailed goals with the overall life theme of reduce, refresh and renew.
Welcome to the journey.

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