08 January 2009

1:38 Sleeping hard sprawled out on stomach, likely drooling on the pillow. Enter husband with child. Butt jiggle. "Neve." Pause. "Neve." Butt jiggle. "Your son is asking for you."

"Hi Mom. Hi Mama. Mom"

Take ear plugs out, sit up and reach for son. Listen to husband comment on how he has not gotten any sleep yet. Curse inside head at husband. Take son in other room. Attempt to rock him. Son gets mad son just wanted to see mom. Wants back in crib. Fine.

"Night-night Mama."

1:43 Crawl back in warm bed. Sigh. "Mom!" Now louder "Mom!" Listen to coughing turn into crying. "Muuuummmaaaa!" Who the hell taught this kid to yell louder? Right. That would be me. Get up put on sweat shirt and go get son. Son a drink of water for whatever is in his throat. Put him back in bed. Son cries immediately. Cruse in head. Go warm up milk. Give son milk and momentarily dread upcoming days of weaning from bottle. Seriously, what is the harm in bottle feeding till 2? I do know the answer and IGNORE IT.

1:58 Take sweat shirt off and crawl back in bed. Let son who is changed and full cry it out.

2:03 Everyone falls back to sleep.

5:58 "Mom! Dada! Mum!" Shhh! Ignore son. He falls back to sleep. YES!

6:57 Get up to shower and let cursid husband sleep.

Footnote: Not sure why Rowan is doing the posting. Surprise he uses short sentences and types.
Change the blog so ANYONE can comment WITHOUT logging in. So please feel free to conversate with me.

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