"Hey, what time does that urgent care close?"
"8:00. Why?"
"I don't want to tell you. I am having trouble moving my arm."
"Hold on."
Switch over and hang up with the sister while googling the other urgent care locations near the house. Successfully switch back to the husband.
"Jason. Let me call this place and I will call you back."
Call the urgent care closet to our house. It closes at 9:00. I look at the clock. 8:26. Sweet. Call husband.
"Go to the one by Wal-mart and I will meet you there." We heckle back and forth for a few minutes and I win.
Call Tracy and ask her to come over to watch Rowan (now asleep). She is at the door by the time I hang up the phone.
Swear to my self on the ride over. Turns out to be a broken arm. For all those who care -- proximal radial fracture at the ulnar head. Ortho on Monday.
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