25 January 2010

Rowan's "Nap"

"My Mom is a baby."
"My Mom has a baby."
"My Mom is a big baby."
"Itsy bitsy spider...dup, dup, dup..."
"A,B,C,D, now I know next time sing with me."
"My Cow. My cow. I can't find my cow. I lost my cow (fake cry)."
"My SOOOCCCCKKKK!I lost my sock. I lost my sock. MOOOOOMMMMM! I lost my sock."
"I lost my water. I lost my otter."
Silence for a few minutes.
"Rock in the dark."
"No potty in the diaper."
"Get out of the way. Get out out of the way. Get in your way."
"I see the horses inside." Snorts.
??? High pitched something or other.???
"Mom. George died!"
More high pitched.
"Dad. You are at work."
"Mom. You are bad"
"Mom I got it. Mom I got it. Mom I got it. I got it. I got it on my feet. Mom I got it.
I got my sock on. I got my sock on. I got my sock on by myself. I got my sock on by myself. I got my sock on by myself." (edited for length)
"It's time to wake up. Knock knock. IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP! Wake up in thirty minutes. Time to wake up in thirty minutes. I got my sock on Mom. It's time to wake up. I got my sock on. I got my sock on. I need my feet on."
This is just a small sample over the course of his "napping" hour.


  1. I'm pretty sure every time I need a good laugh in the near future, I'm going to come read this. :)

  2. Glad to be of service.
