14 January 2010

The Run Around

Rushing around the house disheveled and unprepared for the day, last night's dinner dishes glare at me as I walk by the kitchen counter. I glare back. They just need to shut their dirty mouths. How is possible to wake up three hours before you need leave the house and still manage to be late to a first appointment? It begs the question of nature verses nurture. Thoughts are loud in my head. I think to myself as I fill my water bottle - if I talked out loud instead of in my head people would think I was crazy and I never shut up. This could be part of my slight insomnia problem. Grab a protein bar and trip out the door.
Driving to the first appointment the internal dialogue continues. How is it I can spend hours organizing, revising and refining so many aspects of life and still end up five minutes late tripping out the door? The whole point of the huge epiphany during the damn cocktail party was to finally get my shit together so there would be time for other things that had gone to the wayside. I look at all these people who a remote and direct part of my life doing all of the things I used to. Creating for themselves and others. I miss it. Life drawing, painting, photography. Something has got to give.

One of the themes of 365 is reducing waste. I really need to stop wasting time.


  1. I really love this post. It says so many things so eloquently. At least you're not wasting words.

  2. Holy crap, Neve, you ARE human! I love it! Little Steps, my friend! It is amazing that someone I have known for this long...I never knew you had dirty dishes! Welcome to the world of motherhood, career woman and wife. I thought I was the only one with dirty dishes.

  3. When you figure out how to get out the door on time despite being up plenty early, you let me know....obviously from past kids we've had together I'm suffering from the safe problem and I can't even blame it on having a kid of my own!!
